It’s a fact of life, that each passing year, our skin will start to show signs of ageing. Many people think that they will only have mature skin when they reach their mid-thirties. The truth of the matter is, mature skin characteristics can start showing at any age, and will be dependent on each person’s history.
The ageing of your skin is determined by two things. Firstly, endogenous factors, or genetically programmed ageing. Just take a look at your parents’ skin and will give you a hint on the way your skin will look as you age.
The second thing that determines the ageing of your skin is the exogenous factors. These include things like environmental pollutants, and lifestyle factors like stress and diet.
Many people ask, ‘How do I know I have mature skin?’ There are some tell-tale signs you need to look out for.
Skin seems thinner Skin becomes thinner because the number of new cells produced decreases. Your body also makes less collagen and elastin as you age, which are key ingredients needed to keep skin firm and flexible. Ageing also makes you lose some of the fatty layer underneath the skin, making it seem even thinner. The best way to care for thin skin is by keeping it well-moisturized and protected by using a good moisturizing cream and serum, preferably those containing vitamin A (retinol).
Skin is Dehydrated Dehydrated skin means your skin is lacking water. It can be dry, itchy and even feel tight. Having dehydrated skin may even result in uneven skin tone, where fine lines are more noticeable. The best way to care for dehydrated skin is to wash with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water. Follow up with a hyaluronic acid serum and hydrating day cream.
Skin has lost its glow Have you ever wondered why your complexion lacks glow, or doesn’t look healthy. One of the most common causes is from the build-up of dead cells. These dead cells accumulate and mask the surface of the skin, making it appear less radiant. The best way to bring back a glow is by regularly exfoliating your face. This will get rid of dead skin cells, and leave your skin looking smoother and brighter. It’s also a great idea to incorporate a good quality vitamin c serum and a vitamin c cream into your daily routine.
Skin lacks firmness and has wrinkles Saggy skin on the face can be associated with the reduction of collagen and elastin, two proteins essential for firm, smooth and youthful skin. While anyone can get saggy skin, it’s more likely to occur in people as they age. The best products to use to support saggy skin on the face, are creams and serums that contain Vitamin A and C to help boost collage and cell regeneration, as well as kombucha to bring rosiness to the cheeks.
Hyperpigmentation and age dark spots Hyperpigmentation is when your skin colour is darker than normal. The reason it happens is because you have more melanin in your body. Melanin is a substance responsible for your skin colour and can be triggered by elevated hormone levels. The best way to treat hyperpigmentation is to use products that inhibit melanin production, or work to lighten the skin, in particular vitamin c creams and serums work beautifully. Another way to minimise hyperpigmentation is to regularly use chemical exfoliants. These are gentle, yet very effective. Age spots are caused by overactive pigment cells. Ultraviolet (UV) light speeds up the production of melanin in clumps, especially on skin that has had years of sun exposure. It’s good to seek products that works to reduce the appearance of dark spots, without lightening the skin around them.
Whilst using quality products to help combat the signs of ageing will help keep you looking youthful, the best way to boost results, is to remove or minimise detrimental environmental and lifestyle factors. These include; over exposure to the sun, fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, and toxins like tobacco and alcohol.